Thursday, May 12, 2011

Stupid I took loads of time to thank!!


Hello!! Bloggers friend Suresh Shrestha
(Owner of in your footsteps and waving feelings)
I m so thankful for ur statements:
Here are you bloggers with your blogs that have charmed me!!” After reading this statement my expressions were Wooh!!! Me mean my blog is it really true.. 
I m stealing ur lines as my expressions r exactly same…. No doubt your Stylish Blogger Award gift is really winsome!!Overwhelmed with joys, I have felt friendship the greatest and nothing else!!!

I’m not very quick to express (Reasoned in Seven random facts of mine #2) thanx for making time so beautiful..
For sure it’s all my pleasure to accept this beautiful gift from wonderful soul like u!!!!

As one of the terms or rules, I have tried to share 
SEVEN RANDOM FACTS about myself. 
Here they are:

1.     I always have a feeling of blessed and so I love to be myself.

2.     I m very expressive which makes me bad listener many of the times and I m bad expressive when time comes to express love to beloved people(sad me L)

3.     I m dam confident about the thing “Whatever happens always happens for best for the running situation to be welcomed in past” and so never think about what will happen.

4.     I know many things r been proved of being living but I m quite emotional fool who loves to be unknown sometimes for the reason of living.  I believe in spirituality I strongly believe god given me this beautiful life and so I try all my level best to be happy so that all mighty must be satisfied on the decision taken by themselves.

5.     Many of the time I m bit busy in stuff called job which helps me to enjoy life or else spending time with lovely souls surrounding me then too without forgetting I take out some time to sit idle n have conversation with self(I know sounds insane) but I do this for myself.

6.     I hate abusing anyone whether mistaken is been committed or not because I believe I m not the perfect so how can I ask someone else to be.

7.     I love to be honest, transparent and straight but some time I avoid just because happiness matters more ,I hate but couldn’t solve it so conclude whatever happening is not in my hand God want it to happen n leave it J.  

As per another condition:
Here are you bloggers with your blogs which I loved always to read with respect of ur expressions!!

Now let me offer you all CONGRATULATIONS and request you to have a post with the award presented above and take some pains in writing 7 random facts about yourselves and pass the AWARD to other bloggers who you believe deserve it.

Friday, May 6, 2011


We compare many things in our life without our own knowledge!!!  We do this so often unknowingly n actually this unknown mistake makes us sad many times, which in true sense we don’t deserve!!!! I would like to share some of d experiences of mine which I faced in days!!!!

I was in my college n was not carrying cell phone(actually I don’t have it) all other friends of mine use to go on talking on their cell phones n were updated with recent gossips that’s the only advantage they were having compare to me. My father one’s asked me whether I want cell I refused him n told loads of disadvantages regarding to it but the time I started comparing myself with my friends I felled I m not that happy as themselves!!!! Which actually hurt me or can say harmed me… it was nothing like that I was actually good at my work but “Comparison” made me to think like an idiot!!!! (Cell phones do have many advantages I know but it was regarding d use my classmates use to make).

My friend recently got engaged n as a trend generation made it now to talk on phones for juss random period of time my friend also thought to have this period but his fiancé is less talkative or he muss not be convenient talking on phones my friend feel sad about it!!! Thinking on true side she don’t have any problem she knows it’s due to human pursuing his/her own behavior but “Comparison” with people around her she thinks she is not that lucky n feels sad which she don’t deserve to!!!!!!

My students don’t pursue their work juss because some other students as well not pursuing it, which actually make them shameful in front of their tutor because they r good at their work they know but “Comparison” makes or lets them down!!! (Don’t mess Comparison with Competition).

I know it’s been difficult for not allowing self to compare but we can try an avoid doing it as comparison always n always results into sadness!!!!
Can avoid juss compare with self instead of other!!!! 
Always keep an attitude like "Everybody is best and i m one of them" !!!!!!

Image is been taken from google(

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The last to bear it all....

Here is mine another beautiful experience:
I am moving from my old place to another lovely place that’s at my parent’s house to spend some more beautiful time together. My all stranger relatives gave me a lovely farewell (will posts snaps soon). Actually I had wonderful souls around me and for sure gona miss them a lot. It’s not like v won’t have any touch but the time will be in limits for being together. Here my post is to share with u guys on bloggers the beautiful saying of my beloved stranger “All of us will die; to reckon from the past, this flesh n blood is unforgiving. What’s hard is that just one of us will be the last to bear it all and go on living!!!” She makes it so clear for us how much we all mean to us in our life just unknowingly. We been stranger once now became the best wishers of each other n now it’s a pain for moving leaving each other. The one who will be at the same place till last gona miss all those beautiful moments spend together n bear the pain of being lonely without the knowledge of people who leaved him/her on that position n the best part is that the person suffering will never ever complain of being lonely b’coz of being happy with those beautiful memories he/she had been left with. 

Truly it’s a blessing for living beings given by almighty in terms of this stranger relation. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Being Lecturer 02:

Will continue today the topic left behind for continuation i.e. Being Lecturer, I was writing about is the problem is with the generation or being elder we r behaving like younger n blaming the surrounding for no reason. I always thought it’s not my students r behaving improper always, at times I was in college I also loved to move around with friends have fun, Njoy everything a college student must, even my teachers shouted, scolded but I take it as an advice which only sometimes to be considered then too we were the students of kind every lecturer want to have then why should I blame my students for having fun, Njoying the life at it’s perfect time. So this is not the reason or the problem to be considered for shouting on generation, every person has done the same just now the difference is of position.

I always respected my teachers n considered them always the one who can help me out from any mess in my knowledge, Now Seniors says that “the way we respected our teachers this generation is far from that respect, they actually don’t know what respect actually mean”. On this node I would like to ask just a basic question r we behaving in the same case our teachers behaved with us, we have faith that on any node came across the problem we know whom to contact but now when students ask for clarification we consider their disrespect n tell them to search on their own  just because we r so busy with our own work n so we don’t consider their problem as an intelligent question which while student we also asked to our respective lecturers, I bet on this if as an teacher I m able to unanswered my students regarding question of my subject n I let them feel I m d one whom u can consider any time when u mess with ur knowledge(as my lecturer) for sure they r gona respect me from their end, so I don’t think for this reason we can blame the whole generation.

Another problem with generation is these generation students r falling in love with the lecturer, they are shouting on their lecturers, they r committing suicide for no reason, they r misbehaving with their own classmates yup I can say there are such guys present but at the same time we can’t overview presence of students helping each other financially, understanding own classmates helping in the workouts, making sense of everything possible if wana achieve, doing social activities for helping surrounding, making proud by inventing best they can.

I never wana interpret that lecturers r one who have problem n they r wrong  just I want to clarify we as an Lecturer must not always blame the generation it’s not them who is the problem it’s our load of work n technology to understand is creating a gap that’s it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Being Lecturer

Today thought to write about something which is actually doesn’t the way it is. As I described I m a lecturer n, do have many colleagues we have a large department n many staff people as well so do students.  My senior colleague‘s always have problem with the generation they always blame students for not completing the work at time and for their careless behavior n say “these generation is worthless for anything” n here I m so very confused what is making them worthless: of being interested in practical’s instead of theory notes or being honest to get everything clarified. do't get me wrong I m not at all interests in opposing or hurting either of my colleague n even I don’t say every student is correct just I don’t understand is why to blame, teachers blame to students for their behavior n another side students blame teachers for their behavior which is actually misinterpreting the relation of “lecturer and student”. I think lecturer is d person who actually lets students behave in d way they behave…(contd)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Was moving around the street as holiday, after a long week a beautiful end. I saw parents playing with their kid’s n having fun like heaven, the same time on other side some kids (helpless) watching towards these parents n were happy just like me. Actually it’s always pleasant to see happiness around us whether we are not that happy it doesn’t matter. I referred helpless for some kids because they were not with their parents just like me but 
the major difference was they even don’t know where their parents resembling now a day’s (unlike me) and hence I told happiness around us makes us feel happy as well. I always feel blessed to be with the wonderful n noble souls around me, everything is beautiful n pleasant encircled me but then too always have a feeling of missing something mean not so perfect n today I realized the joy of being together with parents. Then stressing my mind I realized yes the time I feel protected, pure and the best feeling which couldn’t  be explained is when my beloved parents are around me and so I m more helpless then the kids explained above I know where is my happiness missing but unable to approach because of fighting for existence in my community. This is what life is we know what we want but remain unknown. Actually humans are happiest creatures but struggle for existence makes us think for the sadness. Strange!!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Unknown misleading....

Today I came across a woman, not so literate a middle aged juss trying to make it worth a happy married lyf (will speak about it latter). For now would love to share with u blessed people around me about her natural statement which make a beautiful sense….
Mom Dad u r d maker of my lyf
Statements were; always speak truth to small kid never lie them to make them feel good for juss a small term. Always say them the fact whether they feel gud or bad but at least they are confirmed they are not misguided.  We actually mislead to our own kid when they fall mistakenly on something and we usually say them “oh!!! Don’t cry this is the thing hurt you naah do tit for tat, hurt it” (usually in our locality), then kid for no reason is satisfied and we feel for now the problem is solved but actually this is what making a problem for a long term....
Listened and thought really need a thought.....

Friday, March 25, 2011


                                  Tsunami came from a long way
                                         Many people ran shouting here and there
                                  Many people saved and many juss died
                                        Many don't even bother to know
                                            What happened by the Country side
                                 Many  came forward with an helping hand
                                        Many were juss Thankfuller to know
                                             They were on safe Land

                               Tsunami destroyed many relations......
                                  Parental, Lover, Friendship, Formal, Informal....
                                        A Relative don't know
                                              whether their relation is died
                                                      or they are lucky to be alive...

                                      They search for them
                                             Fasting and Hungry......

                              We the safer juss can't imagine
                                   WHAT THEY ARE SUFFERING....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Standing in front of mirror can make lots of thing clear!!!

Ever in life got hurt and, 
wants everyone to give u a solution,
i would say try dis out once!!!
juss stand in front of the mirror smilling :)
u will find the best solution on ur problem..
as it is solved by the person whom u never want to be sad....
Moral: U R D only one who knows urself the best....
           standing in front of mirror will make u understand...
          U deserve much more than........juss try n find out :)
Suggetion: don't solve trough making comparision it always turns out in sadness
                 Take some time for self U'll be happy forever...
Lastly  always remember "Sadness n happiness r d best companion of each other".

Friday, February 11, 2011

Planning is Never Ending Perfection

I routinely plan for waking-up ealy in morning so alaram then
 Alaram rings den
 Plan for more 5 min. Dreamzzz to be Perfect den
Oh No!!! late....
So Paln to Skip something to be Perfect,
 Plan to do rush to be Perfect,
 Plan to take shortcuts to college to be Perfect....
then i recognised...
In whole day I juss make Plans to be perfect but ends with Never Ending Perfection...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sun rise......

Don't know how Sun manages to rise routinely in a different way....
make us feel a new fresh day never came before.....
seems trying to learn how to rise....
Juss always in a learning phase....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Love is ???

Today Sunday another beautiful day on which I can just be myself no plan for waking up early in morning n catching bus no diplomatic statements for people moving around to keep them in good mood no finished lines to attend just nothing special but everything seemz perfect n lovely.

Its winter running as an season but then too last days were long n breath taking tiredness for me but in all d best thing happen is one of my good friend fallen in love, Love a beautiful combination of alphabets feels a musical prose for ears etc etc I always hear different phrase from different people but I never been in love or on another node can say I don’t know how to be in love.

I have many lovely friends around me, my perfect Parents n a wonderful never ending life then too had a question I m not in love still?? Actually being in relationship that’s what d Love is?? How can I say I never been in Love as I actually don’t know what is Love.

Day before Yesterday one of my good friends got engaged it was an arranged Indian function where a guy meet with a girl just for ones or twice n d worst part is literally it’s all depend on d guy to Make it or Break it (leave I must not blame Might be its good for some reason which I don’t know), what I want to say is more important than this i.e. now my friend is badly in love with d guy (same guy obvious ) How can she, mean just a day passed out yup people say it take just a sec  to fall in love but for me it’s a hypothetical statement. I mean I do appreciate people work around me I like many thing about many people but that doesn’t mean I m in Love with them,  if that mean then how can I be in Love with everyone or Love doesn’t speak to be in Love with just one??(Keeping in mind I don’t know what is been in Love). I just want to know what makes it different to be in love. (For sure I don’t claim on any soul-mates I want them to make me clarify as well so that I can as well njoy the “Love” feeling).

Lastly I would like to share what I “stup” think Love is:
-A beautiful smile on face reminding or watching something so unusual.
-Kids innocence while fighting.
-Parents scolding always for dos and don’ts.
-A relation without expectations and without comparisons.
-A Faithfull relation whomever I share with.
-Somewhere guarantee in existence of God and Self.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Reason to Live, Reason to Eat

Reason to Question, Reason to Answer,

Reason to make believe, Reason to have faith,

These r d Reasons which always have Questions unanswerable.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Half knowledge is dangerous..nopes!!!

I was juss moving around d library n came across d phrase "No knowledge is always better than half knowledge","Half Knowledge is dangerous" n don't know but my mind  is not allowing my stomach to digest it.
Once i read d Mahabharta (a hindu spiritual book) in that it was mention that Abhimanyu(son of Arjun) died in d war with kurawas because he was having half knowledge about d chakraview concept, but i will say pandavas muss thank him, at d situation he wasn't blank(i.e. no knowledge) n thats helped him to save maximum peoples lyf for his side for conyinuing d war else tht muss have been a worst condition for pandavas, so here Half knowledge worked.
Anothr thing i would lyk to mention is v all human being living juss d best of our lyf without knowing it whole.
I don't understand it always been told "something is better den nothing" n den how come "No knowledge is better den Half knowledge".
Research concept stands on half knowledge n its a very vital term...
Imagine every thing to be perfect around us what v have done aah!!!
actually for me we r d perfect creatures because of imperfection.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

showing sympathy is weakness??

I travel routinely for my work place n have many beautiful experiences v would peep in past afterward i would lyk to share  todays,
it was a routine day. firstly i muss tell d place where i live its so rushy every person waiting for d bus wana board d bus at d same period of time no one shows sympathy for either one. I regularly miss out my two buses juss to gather my strength to board d bus its lyk yes i have done it n if got d place to sit den my day is turning to be perfect sort of filling arises. So as usual boarded d bus n it was my day so got d place. den as nothing to do was observing people around me which is my routine exercise at least for 2 hours, i saw a guy who was so generous replaced his place with a second inning citizen(senior) i saw him doing dis many times n i respect people doing this but after a min or two tht old man replaced his place with some other guy seems to be his son(quite young) n dis thing always use to happen with that generous guy he always get d place to sit but replace with some one aged n den dat aged will replace with someone relation to himself n dat is pathetic situation for me.  yup i knw their is neither of d role played by me but y importance to only blood relation???
There is no respect for other relation yup i knw the generous guy falls in dis category but its "less:many" mapping relation which is quite difficult to understand for me....

Monday, January 3, 2011


" I don't know
             Why my l'll eyes cry
 They just don't want
             To say U "GOOD BYE""


Good bye to you
    my trusted friend
with no mare days
    to live together...
since we were nice....
together we climbed thousand dreams,
land of love and may be since.....
stay in the heart and stay in the needs....
good bye my friends
    its heart of die
where are the birds
   singing in the sky
now that same spring
   is not in the air....
love you bye bye
Remember me "Forever"


Hamne Kosish bahut kari
but kya kare
hamse Zindagi naraj ho gayi
ja rahe hai ye
Zamana chod kar ham
keh diya naa aayenge
Wapas lautkar ham
chal chod
hum naa dosh denge Zindagi ko
But ha
Hamesha rakhna hame
Mithisi yaad banakar
Dil main rakhna pyaar se
keh dete hai hum
Aason naa bahana
souch kar ki
chale gaye ham
Hamne toh bahut aacha mukam paya hai
aapke dil main rehne ka inaam paya hai
Dena naa dil ko jarasa bhi dard
kyon ki,
aab iss dil main basera karte hai hum
Dard diya aagar, toh pata nahi shayad...
Markar bhi ruth jayenge hum
Kilkhilate rehna, Muskurate rehna
Phir shayad...
Markar bhi ji payenge hum
Bankar khushi, aapke hotho per
jagah pa lenge hum....


Sunday, January 2, 2011


I always found it so verytrue this is d poetry which actually describes d life in d full dimensions...
Life is living that...
Dragon fly is life
The Tree is life
The Rocks, the bushes is life
The line of Mountains againt the sky is life
The Human is life
Life is you, Life is the way you live;
The way you Talk, the way you Walk,
The way you think, The way you Link,
Life is also Pain,
Life is very very deep but Unfortunately Most of Us remain on the Surface thinking that, that is LIFE....

                                                Rishi Valley

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Ek Ajnabi haon tum  Phir bhi yaad karte hai,
Ham tumhe bhol Bhula pate hai,
Hamesha lagta hai Imagination hoan
per halka sa aawaj Aur usper tumhara ehsas
Yaad taja kar jata hai
Hamesha souchti hoan Kahi yeh Pagalpan toh nahi
Per woh pehli mulakat  sare souch per pani pher jati hai
Tumahara woh chup sa Chera
Aur woh gurti aakhen
Dil main ek khabali se macha dete hai
Kuch kehna tum chate the Kuch sunana ham chate the
Per zuban bhi saath na deti hai
Tumne aakhon ka sahara liya,
Tum aakhon se samzhate rahte the
Aur ham nasmaj usse talte rehte the
Hamne bhi kya dhoka khaya hai
Dillagi ko hi dosti ka naya naam diya hai
Mil jaon kisi chorahe per tham lenge tumhe
Hamse chorahe bhi sawal karte hai,
Kha gayi woh Pyaari zindagi??
Kha kho gaye ham tum???
Yeh sawal tumhara ehsas kha bhulane dete hai.
Ham sajna sawarna jante na the
tumhare aakhon ne woh bhi sikhala diya
Ham ruthna manana jante na the
Tumharei aadaon ne woh bhi sikhala diya
Tum hamari aadat ban gaye the
Per tum aadat nahi ho is dil ko samjhate rehte hai
Ham sawarte the tumhare liye,
tum hame na dekho ye hame gawara na tha
tum hame deke bina reh bhi kaha pate the
tum ek jarurat ho is dil ki
per ham tum kho gaye iss bhid main
tum bass ek dhadkan ko is dil ki
Kehkar is dil ko samjate rehte hai!!!!


Success to me is about vision. It is the ability to rise above the immediacy of pain. It is about sensitivity to small people. It is about building inclusion. It is about connectedness to a large world existence. It is about personal tenacity. It is about giving back more to life than you take out of it. It is about creating extra-ordinary success with ordinary lives. I wish you good luck and good speed. Go kiss the world. Life is not measured by number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Push yourself where you have never been to achieve heights you haven ever seen.

Nothing is lyk less

Aimless,the word which come with less can self be understood as having something missing same is for aimless. there are many quotes on aimless life i.e. aimless is like saltless food, ship without guide in big ocean etc etc but there is nothing like aimless actually everything is so full no less but due to greedy nature of human being it becomes less and so aimless. Yes aim matter for life, their should be some goal to approach but you know why because if some day you ask a question where you are or what are the thing you have done or want to do then this goal which you have decided can tell you where are you and you will get all your answers so for this reason you should have some aim evenif you are not able to get it but at least your life is worth for something not useless and you have proof for that. So have some aim and try to fullfill it, juss follow it but don't be greedy or it will be as said "less". 

Just wana say

hello frnds!!
we all went trough our own sweet childhood even me too. Once i was sitting in d train n it was on same position juss holding out d crossing n i was moving my brain juss 4 nthng in tm i saw a small kid begging with pitty face i thught can i try to help him. I muss intrupt my thught to let u ppl understand smthing which i always think, wht i thnk if i give a begger a peny or so he will get adict to d same term n thnk its d easiest way to earn firstly he will b so happy but den terms n conditions n he will b on same position of begging, yup i knw if i'll nt give sum othr will give dem but atlst i m nt included in d member who r making dem a real begger. Many tm i use to think kash if i'll b able to give dem sum more mony n let dem also try to live a beautiful lyf but den frm whr i m gona get d money mn tht much ki i can help out a kid to live a normal lyf.yup i waiste alot money in choclates n in d thngs juss wana live a sofhasticated lyf but i m adict to tht n i cant leave d lyf living in d same way. Many tm i thnk why it matters alot tht wht a front man will think abt me but yup it matters for me many tm i juss wana ignore but rarely i use to b successful n thts d unsolvable question for me n i think always it will b. Hence d story i m unable but if for u ppl it doent matter n if it culd b possible for u to make some bright thing plz go for it.

Friends Forever

We inherit our relations or relatives by birth; friends we earn by choice, may be the very reason a handful of friends count much more than a thousand relatives. such is the value of true friends that somebody once remarked ” Love is rather than genius itself and Friendship, rather than love”.
    An ear  to listen, a voice to comfort, a bond to cherish, a shoulder for support. A relation that knows no boundaries, one that supersedes all dissimilarities. That’s what friendship is all about. No matter how different their choices, or simply how different their identities, true friends will always be friends forever.
    Today as we look back upon this wonderful relationship, glimpses of many a memorable moments fly by our eyes. Times we were flat broke, and our pals came to our rescue, bunked classes just to watch stupid movies, accepted calls in the middle of the night, just to listen to what their girlfriends/boyfriends confessed. Many a moment we have sobbed together, laughed together; compromised so may occasions, sacrificed so many things. And how can forget those simply horrendous decisions we took.
    Today I got an opportunity to talk about friends, I must say to have good friend is the purest of all gifts, for it is love that have no exchange of payment. Friends are those who dress up your life, they help you to cross rough roads leading safely to your destination. We can’t neglect the fact that the true friend is one that’s coming in the door while everyone else is going out.
A famous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson” it is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them”.
                                A Friend is a Light
                        When you walks in the Dark
                                A Friend is a Hope
                        When you are in Despair
                                A Friend is a Joy
                        When you want to Smile
                                A Friend is a Support,
                            A Trust, A Reflection
                         A Friend is a Priceless Gift.